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To repair is a powerful act, demonstrating our autonomy and resilience in the face of a society of over-consumption.


Whether you want to repair on your own, with the help of a Repair Café volunteer or a repair professional, there are lots of ways to go about it!

We regularly take part in awareness-raising events, provide information on the Repair Cafés network in Wallonia and Brussels, and offer resources to guide you through the repair process.

The repair agenda

The various Repair Cafés regularly organise repair events in many municipalities in Brussels, Wallonia and Flanders. Find out which ones are closest to you!

Repair Together regularly organises training courses for Repair Café volunteers and/or the general public. Find out about upcoming courses!

The Repair Cafés

Discover the Repair Cafés: friendly spaces where the community comes together to repair, reuse and rethink consumption. Together, let's fight against planned obsolescence and embrace the circular economy!

Join the movement!

The Repair Café concept is based on voluntary work. Organising, hosting, repairing: anyone can help out with their own resources! New Repair Cafés are being set up every year in many municipalities in Brussels, Wallonia and Flanders. Do you want to get involved in repairs? Then you've come to the right place!


Start repairing or learn more with our detailed repair tutorials, interactive training courses and engaging learning activities. You can also discover our Repair Map, an interactive map of repair initiatives, fablabs and professionals.

Other repair initiatives

Repair Together wants to make repairs more accessible to everyone! That's why we've set up the Repair Lab and the Repair Café mobile. The Repair Lab, in Ixelles, gives people who want to repair things themselves access to the tools and knowledge they need, while the Repair Café Mobile takes the Repair Café concept on the road throughout Wallonia and Brussels!