Repair Café : instructions for use

Ever heard of the famous “Repair Cafés” but no idea how it works ? Here's a handy guide to find out everything you need to know before going to a Repair Café.


Step 1 : Find the nearest Repair Café or the next available one on our calendar

To do this, go to the Calendar or the List of Repair Cafés, where you can search by region, municipality or Repair Café name.

You can go to any Repair Café, not only the one in your municipality ! Most of them operate on a "first come, first served" basis, so there is no need to make an online reservation.

Step 2 : Is your object ready for the Repair Café ?

Before you go to the next Repair Café workshop of your choice, make sure your object can be repaired !

Check the following before coming

  • Planned repair workshops, which vary according to the skills of the repairers that will be present that day.
  • The object's warranty period. Most devices have a two-year warranty from the date of purchase, but the simple fact of disassembling them voids the warranty !
  • Your device's power supply : does the indicator light come on ? Is the battery/ are the batteries charged ? Is the power cable in good condition ?
  • The maintenance of your device : empty the filters of your hair dryers and vacuum cleaners, descale your coffee machine with citric acid, etc.

Prepare and take with you

  • All accessories of the object that needs repairing : power supply, charger, cables, owner's manual, installation CD, etc.
  • Everything necessary to check the functionality of the object : CD/DVD, light bulbs, etc.
  • A spare part if you have identified a faulty part because Repair Cafés do not have them in stock.

For safety reasons, microwave ovens, old TVs, short-circuited appliances or appliances that have been smoking are not accepted. The repair of bulky items such as large electrical household appliances is not covered either.

Step 3 : Today is the big day : time to go to the Repair Café !

Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by volunteers who will explain how the Repair Café works and how to register.

Registration and regulations

You will first be asked to fill out a small form about your broken object. After that, you will receive a number indicating your order of turn.

Some Repair Cafés offer pre-registration, so be sure to check this option beforehand ! Some Repair Cafés also have a Facebook page where you can find useful and last-minute information. Don't hesitate to consult it to stay informed.

If you bring several objects, you will only be able to register one object at a time to make sure that each visitor can be helped. You will also be invited to read and sign the Repair Café regulations (FR).

We will then ask you to wait in the café or waiting area until a repairer skilled in repairing your type of object becomes available.

At most Repair Cafés, you will be able to go watch the other repairs or even give a hand to the volunteers while you wait your turn.


It's up to you now !

When it is your turn, you will be invited to sit next to the competent repairer to start your repair together.

Once the repair is completed, your repairer will fill out the repair information section at the bottom of your form, which you can return to the reception desk.

Repairs are offered at a free price. You will be invited to put an optional contribution that you feel is fair in the piggy bank of the Repair Café.

We hope you will leave with a repaired item; at the very least, we hope you will feel happy that you had a good time and learned something new.

Be careful : you might get hooked !

Also, don't hesitate to get involved in a Repair Café: any help and expertise is more than welcome !