Repair Café

Repair & Share


Edinburgstraat 27, Elsene, België


Repair & Share aims to improve the quality, repairability and life extension of products. We promote the concept of sharing and repairing – we show that access to products is more important than the possessing of products – and we aim to eliminate the current barriers concerning these topics.


Repair & Share stimulates the evolution from consumer to user, and from producer to supplier. We also point out the benefits of this evolution to producers and companies, and support initiatives that play a role in this evolution.


1 événements organisés

207.085 kg CO2 évités

6.69 kg de déchets évités

*statistiques enregistrées depuis septembre 2020


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Toute aide est la bienvenue, nous sommes toujours ouverts aux bénévoles, réparateur·rice·s ou non!