Repair Together is supported by :

For the Brussels-Capital region

For the Walloon region

For the Sharepair project

Our partners

Toss it ? No way ! The Repair Café International Fondation helps local initiatives around the world start their Repair Café. The Repair Café International Foundation has two partners in Belgium : Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken in Flanders and Repair Together which supports and weaves the network of Repair Cafés in Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region since 2012.

Coalition of European organisations active around the right to repair. Based in several European countries, Right to Repair Europe represents repair communities and movements, social economy actors, self-repair and any citizen who would like to defend their right to repair. Repair Together is an early member of the coalition.

The federation RESSOURCES represents social and circular enterprises in the sector of the reuse of goods and materials. It defends the interests of its members and supports them in the creation of economic, social and environmental values. Repair Together has been a member of RESSOURCES since 2015.

The Restart Project is a social enterprise that aims to fix our relationship with electronics. It regularly organises Restart Parties where people teach each other how to repair their devices. Created in 2013 and based in London, its message is universal and its motto is : Don’t despair, just repair ! Restart Project and Repair Together collaborate in many projects related to repair, reuse and the right to repair.

The ULB FabLab is open to all and its objective is to promote new uses within the university. Four faculties of the Université Libre de Bruxelles have joined forces to carry out this project on the new Usquare site and become an interdisciplinary fablab: the faculty of science, architecture, polytechnics and law. Repair Together's Repair Lab space is located in the FabLab.

The Steam Lab is the educational unit dedicated to the diffusion of science and digital tools! They propose to students to push the door of the ULB digital fabrication laboratory to participate in immersive projects and discover the current technological tools. Repair Together shares a space within the ULB FabLab: The Steam-Repair Lab.

BEAMS (Bio- Electro- And Mechanical Systems) is one of the largest departments of the Brussels School of Engineering of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Repair Together is a scientific collaborator of BEAMS. to develop repair and sustainability in a broader sense within engineering studies.

ECOS is the only environmental organisation in the world that specialises in standardisation. It's an international network of members sharing a vision of a clean and healthy environment where people live with respect for the planet and its natural resources, preserving them for future generations.

Repair Together and ECOS share a common vision and goals that are linked, among others, within the Right to Repair Europe coalition that advocates for the universal right to repair.

The Recyclerie sociale de St Gilles is a social economy enterprise that collects, sorts and repairs any furnishing or decorative objects that citizens wish to get rid of. The refurbished objects are then sold in our store. The Recyclerie sociale is an initiative of the Saint-Gilles municipality and GroupeOne financed by the Brussels Region Repair Together acts as a partner in the project.

Repair & Share is a Dutch-speaking association that wants to foster the transition to a socially inclusive circular economy by ensuring that consumer goods remain in use as long as possible and are shared as much as possible. To this end, Repair & Share supports and federates initiatives that work towards this goal, such as Repair Cafés and equipment sharing and lending services. The association also campaigns for the Right to Repair by lobbying producers and governments. Repair & Share is an initiative of de Transformisten, an association that aims to inspire and encourage citizens to adopt a simple and sustainable lifestyle.

CF2D strives to innovate in the creation of activities and new jobs and the valorisation of resources to promote socioeconomic solidarity.  CF2D and Repair Together are members of RESSOURCES. Since 2013 they have been working together on a regular basis. They collaborate on the recovery and revalorisation of irreparable objects that transit through the Repair Cafés; they also collaborate during events and projects related to repair and reuse. Finally, they work together to cater to their needs of upgraded computer equipment.

TheBabythèque is the first library for baby items in Brussels. It's a project of Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken and GC Elzenhof with the support of the municipality of Ixelles, the VGC, Be Planet! and Repair Together.

Give a Day is a platform dedicated to volunteering, involving volunteers and organisations. Repair Together is listed on this site seeking for volunteers to participate in their nearest Repair Café in Brussels and Wallonia.

Looping is a free application designed to help people find out what to do with their end-of-life items! Should you recycle, compost, take to the recyparc, repair? It's not always easy to know! One step closer to zero waste.